Computer science Lesson Plan
Class: 6th to 8th - Lesson:22 Introduction of scratch

Purpose: Students should learn the concept of programming, sprites and backdrops in scratch.

No. of Classes

Two or three classes (Teacher's decision).

Materials Required

Scratch IDE

Curriculum Content 7.1)Backdrop , 7.2)Sprite.

Prior knowledge

General keyboard and mouse skills. Ability to use applications on the computer without much help. Students should have played problem-solving games and improved their computational thinking skills and problem-solving ability.

  • Here is the labeled screen of scratch.
  • No Image


  • Insert a backdrop and more than one sprite in a file.


  • Link to view the solution video for exercise-1

  • Teacher's Instruction
    1. Teachers should teach the concept of programming.
    2. Teachers should demonstrate how to insert a backdrop and a sprite.
    3. Teachers should clarify the difference between a backdrop and a sprite.
    4. Explain about Costumes. Backdrops do not have costumes but sprites do. We can change the costumes for sprites during Program execution.
    5. Use the label the parts.png file to know about the parts of the scratch window.